I give up, just tell me.

I totally give up. Why do I try? Ive hit rock bottom and just went down from there. I never thought my life would come to this, but whats there left in my life anyway? My family tore me away from most of it... What can I do now? I cant take it and I really want to be happy so I think I'll just give in. Just tell me what you want, Im up to it now. -LHM
Read 15 comments
Yes, I am 20. Do I look older? Ha! I'll be 21 in December. Thanks for the comment. Did you check out the link? Have a good night.
hmm what do I want...simplicity...GIVE ME SIMPLICITY!!!!!!! okay umm thanks for liking my journal!!! yours is rocking too!
Hey thanx. Dont sorry. stay in there. You'll find something soon that'll make you know why you are alive. you jsut gota wait. Dont worry. it'll get beta. I dnt know what happened but it will get beta!
hey i really like ur diary i love how ur words go across ur page..lol..i am kinda slow on things like that...lol
it;s cool, I have more than that as a problem..but that is nmy main problem
well I was fooled around with one guy and now his frat bro likes me and want to take me on a date... and the problem being I don't want to start anything like a fight..but i like the guy i fooled
around with more..and i don't really like the other guy...
ill go with the hot one
how old are you?i m sure you could get onw too
im guessing you are in highschool...highschool sucks balls people are retarded wait till you go to college...if you go tp purdue...then don't worry..cause purdue has 5 guys to one girl..oh and don't worry about life now..worry about it later. have fun with friends and learning bout yourself now..
I am going to bed but feel free to comment..i don't mind,..ask me questions..i will answer tem:)
Dont worry. We all have out times. and it'll pass. dont let it get ya down..

You could always try talknig to me.. But i duno if it'd be any good. but i'd try :)
A good sleep will do ya well. Good nite. Swt dreamz :P.

xox Ashleigh xox
HOLY crap u changed ur layout AGAIN? wowieee.. you change it ALLLOT.. but its pretttty:0)..

xoxo lovie!
im doing fantASTIC:0) how r u doiiiing? looovesss this laYouT!! & looves you:)
