Wow!! It's been a few years since i've been on here. It took me life 20 times to get my password right. A lot has changed. I'm with the man of my dreams and the love of my life, i've finally got my head on straight. I'm going to WSU for a major in Psychology, and working a lot. That's about all i do with my time, but i have all life to party when these four years are past. I'm just incredibly happy to be where i am and happy that i haven't let the negative people in my life have any influence what so ever on me. I'm also happy that i have learned how to let the positive people into my life and have learned that it's okay to let people in. Looking back, i wouldn't change a thing. This thing is amazing and i hope it exists forever so i can always look back at some of the funnest (and worst) times of my life.
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Long Time No Talk

Listening to: none
Feeling: broke
Long Time No Talk. I haven't been on this for a long time. I don't even know if the same people still use this but i decided to actually go into it and write so, here i am. Life's been really hectic. Especially with my mom not getting her life together. It really scares me when she doesn't even know where she's gonna live next week and even if she has a place to go. I don't want me brother and sister being punished for her stupidity. But it's happend all of their life and mine so they're probably used to it. But it's nothing that any child should have to get used to. A stable life and environment is part of growning up and moving around so much and seeing the stuff that they've been seeing isn't anything that a kid should be around. But that's what you get when a person who doesn't really think about anybody else but themselves has kids and then they get to see everything that she does. Oh god, she's put them through so much shit. I even told my aunt that i would move back there just to take care of them and make sure they're okay. But i've been told so many times that that's not my responsibility. I guess i'm just used to it since that's the way that i grew up, taking care of them since i was 9. I would do anything for them to have a decent life where they don't have to put up with what they're going through right now. If i was 18 i would adopt them. I wouldn't care about school for me, i'd make sure that they were going to school, getting a good education, and making the best of their life. I just wish that's what i could do right now. My hands are tied. I don't know what to do!!
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Just ppl stop saying stuff in your diaries like you hate ppl. It doesn't do anything but cause more problems. Brittany. . . plz stop hun. I don't know what's going on with you but just settle down a little. K?? I'm going through too much crap in my life right now to go onto my diary and see that ppl think that i have a wigger boyfriend and that i'm a slut. . . I'm not a slut and no i don't have a wigger boyfriend!! Love Genie *Brittany~I'm worried about you. . call me if you need too. *Lanya~ oh god. . . see what i deal with lol. Love you hun
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(46) WHY??

I'm not gonna let it get me down at all but why are people leaving random comments in my diary about me being a bitch and a slut and my wigger boyfriend or whatever the hell ppl are saying. GET A FUCKING LIFE!!! GROW THE FUCK UP!! If you had better things to do maybe you wouldn't have the time to try and put other people down just because it makes you feel better. **THIS IS ONLY TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN LEAVING NASTY COMMENTS IN MY DIARY!! EVERYONE ELSE I LOVE YOU!!! * Lanya~ I love you so much hun!!!
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Listening to: none
Feeling: high
Yeah. . . I'm finally going to get time to spend with my baby!! I miss her so much. We are so close, nobody knows me like she does. I don't think she knows this but she's saved my life so many times. But yeah i'm going to her house and we're gonna go and wonder downtown and probably check out her hot landlord. Yeah and i have this shirt that states "I [HEART] MY VAGINA" and i'm gonna wear that too. I don't understand why people made a big deal for women stating what they love. . . in this case it just happens to be their VAGINA!! FREEDOM OF SPEECH!! There was this whole issue at school about it and the girls word the "I [heart] my vagina" shirts and the guys wore "I support your vagina" IDC what anybody else thinks of me. . . It's what i believe in and if someone else doesn't like it, then they can go eat a pickle i guess!! lol.
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(43) I miss you bitch !!**!!

Lanya. . . i miss you so much baby. I can't wait until i get to see you this wednesday and thursday. I'll bring some "goodies" too. lol. I need you here with me so bad girl, You don't know how bad i need someone here who understands me like you do. I love you my sexy beech. Hopefully i'll see ya soon. And we're going to Steamboat days together just to let you know. . . lol. Love you and miss you much. . . Love your sexy beech .. .. .. .. .. Genie
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(42) I forgot. . .

Listening to: none
It was my birthday yesterday! OMG one of my presents from my aunt and uncle was a ticket to see Motley Crue in concert!! I can't wait. I'm going with 4 other people too. And i got a bunches of other goodies too. I would've given it all up if my brother and sister would've been there. I miss them so much. I couldn't possibly care less about my mom right now though. She's out partying and camping somewheres and you know that that's a lot more important then her daughters birthday. But ya know, some people have their priorities set differently then others. I would do anything to be able to have contact with my bro and sister. I MISS YOU EVAN AND NICOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your big sister. . . Genie
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(41) Paige says "fuck me"

Listening to: none
Feeling: yummy
Okay . . yes i did something that every girl has done probably at least once. I met these guys while i was swimming with Paige and i told them that i was 16, (i'm 15) I didn't ever expect to talk to them ever again but now i do talk to one guy named Phil. He's 18 though and i told him that it was my birthday so now he thinks i'm 17, but i only just turned 15! IDK. . i like him a lot too i just don't want him to think any different of me once i tell him my real age. I don't know what to do. . . WHAT SHOULD I DO. . HELP ME OUT LADIES!! lol. But yeah what also sucks is that i'm still going out with Dillon. I love him so much. I know that i've said this before but i honestly have never felt this way about a guy before. But he obviously doesn't care enough about me cuz he sleeps around and he expects me to let him do it too. I think that if a guy loves you, as much as dillon says that he loves me, then he should respect you enough to stay with you, and only you.
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(40)awwwww i luv you lala

what can i say about lanya she is the bestest person in tha wourld and i cant live w/out her shes wayyyyyyyyyyy coool i wanna ber just like her some day!!!!! shes my idol i luv ya bitch ya muy grande dork!!!! ~genie~
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(38) I don't give a shit!

I don't give a shit what anybody thinks of me anymore. . . if they wanna think that i'm a slut, i'll let them think it cuz i know that i'm not and the people who really care about me know the truth also and that's all that matters.
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(37) life

Lanya needs to get her ass to school!!! Yes Lanya,. . i'm talking to you cuz i know you're gonna read this. I'm going to my mother's house this weekend for my sister's bday and all. Yepyep great fun. I'm so sick of all the girls at our school who needs to get their ass kicked so bad. No names but ( Whittney. . cough cough) i though all the gossip and making fun of people and all that childish crap ended in middle school but i guess not. Yeah she's got Robert but i know things that he wants too. . . that whittney can't give him. idk. . . i'm tired and feeling bitchy right now so it probably just sounds like i'm talking shit. . . so yeah i better go before i say anything else. *Lanya~ I miss ya hunnie. Not really much has happend at school, but yeah. I guess I WILL see YOU on MONDAY ( which means you better be there) lol. Luv ya hun! *Cassandra~ Yes i do have a "lover" but it's kinda confusing right now you know. . . but i love ya hun. pz out peeps. . . ohhh peeps sound really good right now, lol. . . Luv Genie
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(36) FINALLY!!!!

I think i may have FINALLY found somebody who isn't fake, isn't immature and stupid, and who actually cares about me. I can't say too much but i went to a wedding this weekend. omg that was so fun. I ended up sleeping with somebody. I've always wanted to just sleep with somebody in their arms and be able to wake up next to them and feel them holding me all night. . . . and yes when i say sleep we did actually sleep. There was no other stuff going on. Not really anyways. . . but yeah that was a great time. I miss him already. I don't even think he knows how much i care about him, i might even love him. Not sure about that one yet though. But yepyep gotta go. . . . *Mel~ I miss ya hun. Luv ya also. . Luv me *Cassandra~ I can finally not be jealous of your love w/ dustin. . . hehe *13 9 3 8 1 5 12~ I miss you already and can't wait to see you again. Pz out. . . . . . . . . . . Luv always and forever. . Genie
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(35) It's all good!!

Listening to: none
Feeling: bipolar
I'm feeling so mixed up right now. . . it's not ever funny. I'm confused between friends and my aunt and uncle and guys and all the other crazy shit that life throws at me. But it's still all good i guess. THat's just what i keep telling myself hoping that it will come true. *Lanya~ Oh i forgot, you're not just a dork, you're a muy grande dork. . . lol. You know it. I love you so much hun and you mean so much to me!. . . even though i don't think that i trust you to do my makeup anymore. . . lol. *Cassandra~ I'm sorry for taking your goodies. . . lol. Oh well you still have six left. . . well by now you probably have like two but yeah. . j/p. I love you hun. . You don't know how jealous i am of your love with dustin. . . you lucky bitch. . . lol. Luv ya *Mel~ I miss ya hun. Sorry i didn't call you last night. I was kinda busy with homework (great stuff) I'll try calling you tointe though. Luv ya hun *Dustin~ =| to you too. . . Luv me
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(33) Hey that's a good number

Listening to: So happy together!
Feeling: mysterious
Yeah school sucked today, as always. I found out that Cody and his girlfriend broke up which is really wierd but anyways. I don't have much to say this is as good as it gets kinda like me and Tony's relationship. Yeah so talk to me and give me something interesting to say or ask a question or something. Luvin ya, Love always, Genie
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(32) I love him but i shouldn't

Listening to: none
Feeling: guilty
Confuzzled. what a word. Yeah so me and Tony still are broke up. I honestly really miss him though. I'm really hoping that he wasn't using me though cuz that's what i've been hearing from some of his close friends and even some of his friends that i don't know that good have been saying that but oh well, life goes on. I feel like such a biatch!! This whole battle of the bands thing with Robert and Whittney and everything is really starting to make me feel guilty. And then Lanya on top of it. I thought for sure that i lost my gurl, but it's all good now. Thank GOshness. But i've been kinda pissy lately and some people are starting to get pissy back, i don't blame them though, i guess it's just PMS or some female hormonial thingie like that. LOL! Well life is too short to be sitting on the computer talking to a bunch of people who don't even read this to peaze out!. . Luv yall. . . Love always and forever. Genie *Lanya~ You do anything stupid and i'm coming with you, you know what i mean. I love you. *Cassandra~ I thought you said that you were gonna call me tonite. LOL. See ya tomorrow hun. Luv ya. *I wanna say i love you to one more person but i can't say that person's name because that will just create more un-nessasary drama. But i do love you and hopefully you know who you are. ***Luv always, Genie***
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(31) Confusation!!

I am so confused right now. Me and Tony just broke up yesterday (tear) and everything just seems like it's all wrong now. I still love him more then ever but i felt like things weren't the same between us anymore, too. He called me this morning and we talked for a little while then he had to go and then i called him back and said, you don't have to say it back but i just wanna let you know that i still love you. And guess what!!?? He said i still love you too. Okay now why would you break up with somebody if you still love them. What ever issues or problems that we had i'm sure we could've worked them out if we would've talked about it. I miss him already. It's only been a day but still. After he broke up with me i cried and i hate letting people see me cry. I wouldn't let Tony see me cry though, i walked away before he could. Then i realized, why cry if it's making him happy. I don't wanna force him to be with me. I love him but if this is the way he wants it and he's happy then it's okay i guess. Even though i'm back at having nobody and i'm missin him more then ever i guess i'll just have to put up with it. I love him though. I'm so confused! Should i try to get back together with him or should i just let it cool off!!?? IDK! Only time can tell. I better go, i'm supposed to be working on a history project. *Tony~ If you read this i just want you to know that i love you, and as long as you're happy with things like this then i guess i'm happy to. *Lanya~ Thanks for everything hun. I needed someone to talk to and you were there! Luv ya!! (me you and robert) lol!! fun fun! *Cassandra~ You too. Thank you for always being there for me and you're such a lucky bitch to have Dustin. Remember that. lol! *Dustin~ Yes, i did get a couple of guys phone numbers on friday you got a problem with that. . . lol! Always and Forever!!,, **~~GENIE~~**
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(30) Rain rain go away. . .

Listening to: the game show- ICP
Feeling: kawaii
GOd i'm so spastic right now. I'm overly tired which causes me to, uuhmmm. . spazz out. lol. Yepyep. Arizona is so awesome. So it mexico. I'm gonna be rocking my sumbraro like it's 1999 (lol, lanya. ) I'm gonna miss my family here when i go though. I really don't get to see them very often. Kinda like i'm missin all yall back home right now you know. Ohmygoshness. . it's so cold here. !! That kinda blows. Everybody thought i was gonna come back with some kickass tan but i'm still whiter than , , idk i'm just white. But anyways. . . i'm am like about to pass out cuz i'm so tired in a jumpy hyper kinda way. . so 'night everybody!! *Melissa~ Come back where'd you go hun!! I miss you and i wanna talk to you!! Luv ya! *Lanya~ School skipper! lol. 2 days and i'll be back. You can rock my sumbraro some too i guess if you want. lol *Anthony~ I need you so bad. I'm going through withdrawl. . lol. I can't wait to see ya. Luv ya! ~~~**~~~**~~~**~~~**GENIE**~~~**~~~**~~~**
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Listening to: none
Feeling: conflicted
I can't believe i'm finally in arizona! That's so awesome. I just got here yesterday and so far we haven't done much cept for visit and talk and all that good stuff. Today i go to mexico! I'm gonna get one of those big hat thingies, i think they're called sumbraros or something like that. And no i'm sorry i'm not getting you one. lol. I miss everybody at school though. Tony told me to forget about him for this week so that i won't be missin him. Yeah right that's like impossible. I have so much school crap to do though. I don't wanna go back to school!!. The only thing that makes me wanna go back to school is Tony, Lanya, Jen, Nicole, Misty, Cassandra, and a bunches of other peoples. But i better get going. LEAVE ME A COMMENT!! I love you all who take the time to read this!! ~~~**~~~**~~~Luv Genie~~~**~~~**~~~ * Tony~ I miss you sososososo much. You're probably fine without me though. lol. I love you! Five more days!! * Lanya~ Hunnie god i wish i could've packed you in my suitcase. lol. Well i'll see you in five days. (tear) I love you and miss you so much.
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Feeling: lovely
You know what. . SCREW ZACH. I got a better hunny that i have ever had now. His name is Tony. We've been together 11 days now. I know that that's not a long time but i liked him before that and i guess he liked me too. I love him so much!!!! Yeah we've gone to two movies now and he's coming over tomorrow. Great fun! A couple of people have told me that he's just going out me to get a piece of ass but i don't believe them. I trust and love Tony so much and i don't think that he would use me for that. But anyways. . i had no clue that they had computers at the library. Duh! Wow i'm with Lanya right now. My aunt said that she has a wierd feeling about tonight. I think she thinks that me and lanya are gonna go get freaky with some guys tonight or something. We aint doing nothing like that, we're working on our history and algebra homework like good girls. lol. Arizona is 4 days BABY!! holly shit. . omg i'm gonna miss everybody so bad though. (tear, sniffle sniffle) Well i'm going to arizona which is probaby not gonna happen again until like i graduate maybe, so yeah. I gots to go! Luv yalls. . . Much love, Genie *Lanya~ Luv ya hun and i'm gonna miss ya so much when i'm gonna in arizona. . hehe *Tony~ I love ya and i'll miss you too! Remember what alessa said that we have to go before i leave ( twice in 10 minutes ) I hope it's longer then that! lol
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