(20) Decisions Decisions

Listening to: notating
Feeling: anxious
I have decided that i'm not going to talk about Zach that much in here anymore because i'll say that i'm mad at him one day and then the next i'll be talking about how much i love him, like now. I love him so much!! I just hope he never finds this diary cuz it would actually be kinda embarassing. Anyways. . . it's the end of first term!! YEAH!! Finally. But it sucks cuz now i don't have any classes w/ zach. I have some friends in my classes next term i think. IDK i guess i'll just find out on Monday. I don't know exactly who knows that this is me and who knows about this so i kinda have to watch what i say in here. I know that Cassandra, you probably don't read my diary but i just wanted to let you know that i finally told my aunt missy. I hope you understand what i'm talking about because that's the most i can say about that. On a happier note, i have a feeling this week is gonna be great fun at school, well actually outside of school on a school day, if that makes any sense. ???????????HAS ANYBODY SEEN THE MOVIE "THE GRUDGE" BECAUSE i wanna see it but i don't know if it's good or not. hhmmmm. . .and is it scary because i love scary movies. **MEL~Hey hun. How's life out in Cali been. I'm able to get on here more now. I'm gonna have to call you sometime prolly next weekend cuz i have a feeling i'm gonna have sum stuff to tell ya. Luv ya. Miss ya!! **Cassandra~ Luv ya. It's nice that we see eachother a little more now. Congrats on your two month anniversary!!!! **26138~ Can't wait till 20215194125! **You other people that take the time out of your busy lives to read about my pathetic life~I love you guys too. . ~~~**TALK TO ME**~~~ Luv genie
Read 6 comments
im loving your diary! hehe, even if you dont announce much, i get why lol, some people might not, but i do! i have the same thing to deal with lol.
YESH!!! us 3 sitD people will protest, while i get others to protest with us! lol, who are we protesting to? The sky? or the weather? or mother nature? or all hehe
thank you hehe
whats confusing you
Hey hunny, i love you too, im sorry if i dont talk to you much but i promise, i will call you today!! Yes you can be in my wedding (lol)
love always,
hey genie
how r u ?? i miss u
its getting cold here
well remember to e mail me and comment me
ttyl bye
We should protest against..uh...umm...
yeah! they go in your skin and suck your blood and blech. Lets protest against them, i hate them!