Funny how things are...

Listening to: bLiNk-182
Feeling: disappointed
It's funny how many comments I've got just by posting the Barto showing his butt... the thing is that I don't get as much response when I try to write serious stuff... my literary self is disappointed.. *sigh* lol... I guess that's the way it is. I just went to see "A day without mexicans". Hilarious. I mean, being mexican and all, the movie just cracked me up. Even more funny, I'm moving to California sometime soon, so I was rotflol...=) At some point I'm sick of the illegal/racial/parental stuff. Huge gaps here and there, no one seems to get along, and there's good and bad people in every story. Why can't we all get along? Como decia mi sobrinita Junuen cuando tenia 3 años: Cadambas! Peace. =)
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i like your serious stuff