Oh, help help! I'm being repressed! OMG! AHHH! MooMoOOOOOmOooooooO REPRESENT!!! FLOSS DAILY!!! the new ACRUA... has comfy seats... OOOHHH!!! soooooOOOOOoooOooooooOO very comfy, you'll never comprehend!!! Unless of course you want a ride in my comfy Acura... BUT YOU CANNOT FOR I AM THE MAGICAL N00DLE MAN! like omg... sooooOOOooooOOOOooOoOOOOO TIRED! LIKE! OMG! DISCOVERY CHANEL!!! MooMOOooooooOoOoOMMoooOOOOooo I'm voodoo cursing you~! I'm going to mold my hair into horns, Put on my trenchie, pack a shotgun in my trenchie.. drive to school, shoot the shotie 6 times in the air and continue a violent killing spree. (Joke,plz don't kill me.) lol... Silly columbine... Actually, I lost my trenchie last week... sad, I was going to walk around and give out FREE drugs.. funny.. bet Ellis stole it.. stupid meatfuck. OooooOOO I BET YOU DIDN'T KNOW I WROTE POEMS, DID YOU?!?!(ask, and I MIGHT give you one.) I'm sooo mysterious. OooO like, played Halo for 9 hours today, starting to think I should actually listen to Catie, and you know... get a life. But, I'm a lvl 23 again, so for the time being, I'm happy. Oh look... My eyes feel like they're bleeding again... it's terrible. Oh, and... I'm sane you know. OMG!I pre-ordered Perfect Dark Zero, Quake 4, and Gears of War today... WHEEE!!! I wuv the Xbox 360... BUT! then again, Maybe I should actually get a life? lol..... shit, I'm tired... RUB MY EYESOCKETS MR. MOKIE WOKIE!
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woahhh joe! calm the jets lol that was totally confusing but HECK YES!!! i remember the time!! that uhm you where like ":'(" and I was like "ITs ohkay joe! :D" and you where like "aww :'(" lol good times lol.. bye4now
woah lol