You know that you'll be going eventually.

Listening to: Sherwood.
My mother is drunk again, slurring her speech and trying to talk over the rest of us at the dinner table. I pick at the limp spaghetti noodles and try to tell myself it's okay, but I ate lunch today for the first time in a long time, just to see if I could do it and be alright after, and I found the answer was no. Well, it's nice to know, isn't it? Tom wrote to me a week ago and I have yet to respond. These questions about what I've been up to, they come once a month, and I'm finding my answers to be sparse. Am I really that boring? Or am I just holding back? It's so hard to fall for someone who lives one continent too far away to hold you when you need holding or call you when you need calling. I just want to hear his voice, you know? And if I can't have that, I guess I don't want anything.
Read 4 comments
Thank you. I love random inspirational comments. I know how you feel about the distance thing. Well, not as severe. I've been with the same person for 6 years, and 4 of those years he lived 5 states away. Patience is key. (Obviously). I know it's hard. Good luck.
Thanks for the words of hope and optimism. Stangely enough, I didn't actually know what Tabula Rasa meant until 5 minutes after I posted that.

And you have my blessing that everything on your end becomes better. I've always believed that life has a way of balancing itself out. So eventually you will get exactly what you deserve, eternal happiness.:)
distance is poop. But on occasion, it's worth the wait.
Thanks :] I guess things are going well for us, still need our space though cos' if anything can wreck a relationship, living in a studio flat can lol!

I'm sorry things aren't going great for you, I hope they brighten up soon xxx