I'm sleepy, but I don't want to go to bed right now, so instead I'll write an utterly pointless SitDiary entry.

I just spent the last three hours organizing my parents' collection of 500 DVD's. Now instead of being in nine boxes scattered throughout the house, they're alphabetized in the little hallway closet downstairs. Not only that, but I've typed up an entire list of their collection for them to use as a sort of catalog that shows which they haven't watched yet. Yes, they buy movies and don't watch them and let them sit. Silly, my parents. As we were driving into town I mentioned BluRay to them. In five years I'll be writing this entry all over again.
Read 4 comments
u have 2 much free time on ur hands, really, also ur parents have too much $ to enjoy but we cant complain, im ok or just burnin bad buts all good, im been keepin myself busy which is good, i will learn, that its cool if u did go with that name but u should come up with ur own that fits better, yea peace
I have hundreds of movies I've never watched. Most of them were obtained illigally, in avi/mpg fashion, and are all burned to a few spindles of DVDs - 5-6 movies per DVD. I also have another few spindles of TV shows I won't watch until flu season comes around (I don't get flu shots 'cause then I'd never have time to sit and catch up on Scrubs and Lost)
Then there's my spindles of video games...

So anyway, yes, i should write an entry some time, and I kinda did, but I can't be bothered to write more for a little while. Too busy...Though I have been contemplating writing an entry about how stressed I am, and about what working in Tech Support is like; it'd be a lot like your pervious entry, which was awesome. XD
the retail entry cracked me up! ive been working at the *slightly* less classy walgreens for 3 years.. and although we dont have dressing rooms i know what you mean. and im glad im one of the good customers who says "excuse me" and attempts to pick my clothes up!
Yes but I'd prefer people just click the offers that appeal most to them (or go through all). :)