keep your distance

Feeling: headachy
So Kevin's mom sent us a neat little GPS unit. It's pretty much the most awesome thing I've ever laid eyes on in the past week or so. The only gripe I have with it is that it doesn't know any of the new roads and highway ramps since the whole Marquette interchange construction that's been going on for 8 years. Ah well. If I were to walk to my old house in Oregon it would take me 839 hours and 45 minutes. If I were to take an emergency vehicle to New York, New York, it would only take me thirteen hours. So, if I were to leave right now, I'd get there at around 3 in the morning tomorrow. Not too shabby. Or, say I wanted to bike to Disney World. That would take only about 70 hours. You know, if I don't sleep or eat. Bike non-stop. Totally. So now I just have to choose. Oregon, New York , or Florida. Or stay home.
Read 2 comments
Haha, you are funny. How are you and the Kevmeister?
Or Tennessee. Psh!

Stay in touch; I wanna know how you're doing, Katie.