
I quit track a few weeks ago and switched into drama (which is a really retarded class). I somewhat wish I didn't but I know that running started to make me miserable. It also made me feel amazing. It was basically love or hate.. I signed back up for cross country in the fall. The tough part is just getting back into the running mode. Then I will be able to do the long run once again. I really miss it. I get emotional when I watch a track meet or just some kids racing eachother in a movie. Running was my life. I want it back. On a brighter note I suppose, I have a new boyfriend as of sometime early Feb. His name is Kevan and I know I am lucky to have him. And I'm lucky he feels the same about me. Oh, and he is absolutely gorgeous. We are a hot couple :) I have sty infections in both of my eyes. It isn't visible unless I flip my eye lids over and you can see a bump in both eyes. It's gross but funny because my friend Alex gags when I show it to him. Overreactor. hehe. So, a lot has happened since my last entry. So much that I don't even want to mention a lot of it. I joined the Hungarian Folk Ensemble in LA. It's really fun and I had my first performance on march 11. We will have our next one in San Fransico early April :) I'm excited. It is so much fun. Oh yeah, and in July last year we moved again. This time my moms boyfriend lives with us. blahh Gummi Maci :)
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