Damn dream..

last night i called one of my friends an asshole because he's really self absorbed and we were arguing about something tehn he said w/e like to shut me up or something..yeah so thats when i called him an asshole then he blocked me and that pissed me off even more.. it's funny bc we were kind of good friends and liked eachother in a way.. ehh wtvr anyway.. i stayed up till like 4 doing whatever.. i had a nice chat with trixy (i met her on myspace) she is a very wise young woman. that went well and i got a bit more calm and less hatefull. my dream is what confused me though.. i dreamt that ashton (the asshole) and I were like at the mall in front of the movie theatre with my friend, and then we kissed and we were good friends again. it was nice.. but when i woke up i was like what the fuck? why would i dream that if i felt like i hated him at the time.. and it's also strange that this is one of the only dreams lately that i've rememebred a lot about it.. i need help, Violet p.s. - want this sweatshirt =) http://www.kmfdmstore.com/product_info.php?cPath=1_2&products_id=329
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maybe your inner feelings are coming out in a dream form. it is most likely that you are not really completely hating him and that you really like him somewhere way down deep. it just has not been revealed to you yet. i hope that things between you two will fix themselves in time and that you figure out what is going on.have a good day..
thanx much :) your'e diary is very pretty...I like it...lol...sorry-cassie xox
awe thanks :)
Yep, it is ^.^
yay we share a common bond :) lol...sorry I'ma dork...umn...so what's up? ooh I have myspace...what's your username thinger mine's cassie..lol...real original eh?-cassie xox
yay i feel special...:) I'll check it out....yay lol I'm a tad creepy-cassie xox