The Foolishness of Existance

I realize that it's been a long time since I posted anything... a lot has happened... but I don't really want to go into that... So... I'll put up a theory that I thought up a couple of weeks ago. Ok, so here is the basis of it. When people dream, they create personas for the people that are in the dream with them. They are not actually those people, but their unconscious mind is creating a persona in replication of our real life perception of them. However, it does all of this without our conscious mind (or aware mind in a dream) knowing it. I mean... when you are dreaming, even though your brain is creating the dream for you, it is doing so without you consciously knowing what it is doing. So... my question is, what if the world is really like that. What if everyone in our life is something that our own unconscious mind is creating for our conscious mind to view? What if everything is just a really big dream that we are living through. Of course, if this is the case, then there are several rules that don’t apply to reality. First of all, anything that I am not directly connected to doesn't actually happen, I mean, why would it have to, I wasn't there, so my unconscious mind doesn't have to create a situation in which it exists. For example, what about something that happens on the other side of the world? If I never heard about it, then it doesn't really have to exist. So essentially, anything that I don't know, or have heard about, it doesn't exist. Reality is just a small bubble that contains everything that my conscious mind knows. Second, no laws of nature actually exist. For example gravity, I don’t actually know how it works, I mean, I understand what “people” (or my unconscious mind’s creation of them) have told me. But I don’t have any actual way of proving it. Therefore I don’t actually know it exists. My unconscious mind is simply choosing that whenever I let go of a rock, it will fall to the ground instead of floating up into the air. This doesn’t just apply to laws of nature though. Anything that I don’t understand directly could work essentially by magic. (Or my unconscious minds will) An example of this would be a rocket. I don’t understand all of the parts that go into it, I don’t understand the physics, and therefore, they don’t have to exist. All I know is that it shoots a lot of fire outside the back of it, and it goes up. Except, that I have never actually seen one launch, I have only seen pictures or movies. Therefore there might never have actually been a launch, just a movie or picture of it that my unconscious mind has inserted into my conscious reality. So if this is the case, what is reality? If I am in fact the only real person in my reality, (that’s not to say that there aren’t others, just that they don’t exist in mine) then why am I shaped as I am? Also, what happens after I die? There is no sense of time. Because I create the entire world, then when I die (or my conscious mind dies) then my unconscious mind can choose what to do with my reality. It can be, in fact, immortal. As for other people’s realities, they could exist in separate space (such as I perceive different dimensions or other item such as that) that we are unable to interact with. There are just groups (either a finite amount, or an infinite) that exist in their own dimensions, creating their own realities just as we create dreams.
Read 9 comments
if you have time to write all that then you can do some of my hw for me! lol . .. no, i think it's interesting too . . .

i wish some parts of my reality were just dreams (or, "nightmares" to be more specific)
You finally got it down onto paper eh? Join the skeptics that say the moon landing was fake.

Also, my unconcious mind challenges your unconcious mind and this world is the chosen battleground. Bitch
interesting blip: there is the theory that your dreams come from experience, so if you have a dream about someone you've never met, how do you come up with them? do they exist, or are you a part of their dreams too? and just for fun, how did you end up with me? take all the worst parts of people and add them up and hide them under a harmless-looking cover? so i think that that should be a counter-proof/theory because it makes me wonder.
Yeah... the dreaming about people you have never met actually supports my theory... Because it's the exact same...
last year's geometry class was not wasted on you...
last year's geometry class was not wasted on you...
last year's geometry class was not wasted on you...
last year's geometry class was not wasted on you...
last year's geometry class was not wasted on you...