Pulled Out

Wow... everyone just seems to be pulling at me, trying to get me to do something. I feel like I'm trying to put out a brushfire... and everytime I put one part out, another one falers up, and another, so eventually my entire world will go down in flames. At some point, do I just have to give up and accept that I can't stop all the fires?
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yeah, life can be overwhelming .. . but think about the positive aspects . . . you'll pull through!!!!!!

but . . . hahaha, only kate will get this . . . fires can be very good!!!!
i am not the most helpful person, but i do have to say this, it is what burns in you that people see, because it is in them too, and they want to share it with you. it is only that they have that one flame, and you are still growing, with the light of many fires dancing in your eyes, that they don't see, don't understand. so let it burn, this trial by fire, maybe you'll learn something when it's the rest is burned away. me entiendes? y te amo
I must say Cait... I think that there are far to many metaphors that use flames =)
what is that supposed to mean? are you implying something again... because i am not getting it, you shall have to explain it to me :)