In love . . . or maybe not #3

Feeling: amorous
Wow, I really like Marea, don't I? Anyway for those who don't know, "Marea" is one of the greatest spanish bads of heavy metal ever. VIVA MAREA, VIVA MAREA!!! Hardial, you heard a song from them, they were good right!!! Marijuana, marijuana, hehe. Do you know that kind of situation when you think your in love but you aren't? well, something similar is happening to me right now. I like her, i don't know if i love her, i know when i'm in love, hardial knows when i'm in love. :P Anyway this girl; whose name is alissa (american girl) she's awesome, she can barely touch perfection (i think i said it the right way). she is . . . anyway, every good thing has to have something bad isn't it? he has his fuckfriend, I mentioned it on entry number 1. Well, i'll have to keep looking for someone that is suitable. Note to myself: this time don't find someone that is suitable for you, someone you love, that lives 15000 kms away from you. That complicates things pretty much. oooo, waiting for hardial's reply. She told me she is not bored of me, that she wants more letters from me, but sometimes i think she just don't want to keep . . . i don't know how to explain it, i just wish i don't lose contact with her, she is so amazing. migy
Read 2 comments
awww i love you ♥
hehe that would work... but im not a readhead... maybe your brother is mixing me up with someone else? :P
i dont remember, i shoplifted when i was little, it wasnt big stuff.
now all i do is take money from my parents
te quiero :P