It's Official

Yes, ladies and gents.... today, the 23rd of November in the year 2005.... it's finally official. [Provided the paperwork goes through of course.] Dania and I are...... friends. [Insert appropriate congratulatory sounds here - or angry hisses for you jealous types.] Oh, and early birthday present to me? A pic of Viktor Krum in quidditch gear SIGNED BY Stanislav Ianevski himself! -drool-
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*doing the wave*

I am apparently the only one that cares that we are friends.

And, to be honest, that's really all that matters.

So once again, *doing the wave*. Yay!!!!!!
That's pretty awesome man; that you got something signed by Viktor Krum's actor. :) He's quite cute.
I'm glad you guys are friends. :) That always makes me happy. :)