scince my butt

well the make up off my neck came off and beth and almost everyone was looking at my neck ahhh stupid they are so trashy!! but yeh any way things have been going sloow i am at school right now really bored i am sposed to be doing my work but i am way too lazy for this shit..any way i am not happy with some stuff right now i but i am really happy with him so i have no idea what i am doing but my mom know that we are friends now and she was all ur stupid but i have to let u make ur own stupid mistakes and yesh so now i am gonna not have to sneak around as much with ben so its all good,lol yesh i never use any puctuations it CraAZZEEE stuf so yeh any who this is too long love u much i love someone special! and beth is sitting next to me cus i am cool no actually i am in 4 out of 6 classesw with her o0o i lub beth!! o0o and today i had abcbbam gum!!! (already been been chewed by beth & maycie )and what jk jk May¢¾C
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