Is it over?

I didn't want to admit it. I am still trying to block out of my mind. But I must come to face it, that my relationship is going down hill at a rapid speed. I can't stop it anymore. I've tried so many time. I love him I truely. He's my best friend, he knows me better than anyone else. But we are drifting. College is killing us. We said last August that it wasn't going to. Ever since then we've argue and we've yelled and we've cried. I'm slowly digging a hole deeper for me from this 11th grade work. He's losing his mind of portfilo and AFO. He's freaking out about getting into his field. He has to drop english because he has failed the semster.He needs to take a class over the summer. I'm already going to summer school. We will be working the night shift every weekend. During the day we will be doing homework. Its like it's never going to end. By the time summer school will get out I will probably be going to the beach. Then there one week without him. I tell myself it's worth it. I know that it is. I guess I don't need to tell myself that because I love him and my life would be incomplete without him. But is the pain and fights worth losing our love over? What if we lose more than that? How about our friendship? Our friendship with others? Happy One Year and One Month To us.
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I love you, darling. I am here for you no matter what. I promise.