Burrowed Deep Beneth the flesh.

. I feel like shit dude.. I mean I feel like life sucks real bad. I hate being alone.. being alone always reminds me of people walking out of my life..you know the feeling when everyones cold, your stomach tightens up, and you feel like your going to puke. Your body's trembling, everything is slow, people are loud and you feel sort of seasick. were your fingers are red but cold and sweaty as if you were overheating. Well I feel like that I feel like straight shit. Today I took 6 Triple Cs(Skitles) after 2nd period and stayed fucked up all day long.. for only 4 bucks.. I was fuckin TRIPPIN BALLS though seriously. It was like payin 4 dollars to go to an all day TRIP PARTY, but the thing is I was at school on the shit dude.. and It was fuckin weird.. I couldnt even feel my fuckin feet touch the ground as I was walkin to lunch.. I put my head down to rest and I sat up in 4th period and that shit hit me so fuckin hard my whole body was completely numb. My mouth and eyes felt heavy, my arms and legs, I felt like I was melting sometimes.. but people kept tellin me my eyes were fuckin huge... It was crazy my pupils are dialated so much. That was a totaly kick ass trip...
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you looks cute!
: P
Hi, feel like showing up in a webcam? I think your hot. =) haxx_blaster@hotmail.com
Sucked up by the ground,not feeling earth underneath bare feet, but much too heavy to ever get high...
Just shut up and take life. Stupid kid. Deal with it as it is. You sound retarded.
Your trying to sound dark and gothic.
But you sound cliche'd shutup