
Listening to: Gwar- Maggots
Feeling: bloated
Tomorrow starts my water only fast. I've been going on one small meal a day, and loosing rapidly. BUT, I want faster results. And if cutting out most meals is working, a water fast will restrict and get me going and motivated. Three days, nothing but water. Bad for me? Yes. Effective? Yes! Breakfast: Nothing. Lunch: handful of Sunchips. [ugh] Dinner: Broccoli and a few other unimportant things at Ling Ling's. Snack before bed: I just ate an orange. Probably nothing after that. I am pathetic, but atleast I have motivation for something. -- Went out with Corey again today. Went out to eat at Ling Ling's with him and Frank. It was fun. John is up from Savona. Originally, he was supposed to go home today but didn't. The only bus run is at 5 tomorrow. He needs a car. Him and Ashley are cute to a certain point, but in all honesty, the kid is stupid. Her father threatens to throw him in jail, and he still sneaks up here. We took him to the bus station to MAKE HIM LEAVE, and still, he didn't. They're engaged? And in love? Yeah. Odd. But cute? The week is going by excruciatingly slow. Tomorrow won't be a busy day, but Thursday will. The periods at school will be fucked up because of some assembly thing, so I'm seriously considering not going at all. I have to get shit ready for Corey's birthday anyways. I'm thinking a chocolate and vanilla marble cake, a huge card, and maybe a cute little stuffed panda or a little stuffed snake. [My nicknames from him? Hannahkins, Hannahconda, or Hannah the panda. Cute] I probably won't end up getting him a stuffed animal though. Eh. Theres a lot I could be saying, but I'm not going to.
Read 10 comments
Stuffed pandas...
I'm sure that's a delicacy somewhere...heheh.....Thought I'd leave you with that bright thought :D
heh..Yea..I' usual...I swear..I have no idea how I pull of the grades I
Yeah... I used to do the whole drugs and weed thing... but I quit that, and cigarettes like a year ago, give or take a month.
Oh that's not weird... for the most part, that's normal... however you define normal teachers just love me...I don't know why...I'm only ever sarcastic to them...I don't complain about it

People tell me I look It's quite crazy..I would have never guessed. I get confused easily hehe
What does your comment thing mean?

and a water fast? interesting :P
Good luck with that... I'm all about food :D

But it's cool you're motivated.
sold out? sold out of what...?
sorry, that last one was me :-D
Were they expensive?
I can see them being a hassle, but my hair is a hassle everyday anyway, so why not :]

I gained about 20 pounds within a month or two at the end of last year. Decided a few weeks ago I had enough of being fat. This week I've actually made it through on one meal a day, no snacking ATALL, and in about two weeks I lost 10lbs. Which is awesome, 'cause food is my addiction. Now all I need-excercise. Eek.
lifestory, sorry.<3
I want to lose weight. And I think that you should be added as my friend.