
School - Doing really bad at school. Losing interest in lessons and not trying as hard and as a result my grades are slipping. My grades are slipping in subjects i enjoy too... I hate most of my teachers and really don't wanna go to school anymore. I mostly hate Maunder and Lane cos they keep moaning at me to keep up with work even though i've missed tons of lessons due to being away. Struggling to understand French and keep up in Music as well. Join and add me ( and read my latest blog. It's a complete run down of school stuff. Home - Same as normal i guess... for those who don't know it's just me spedning time in my room or on the computer (or going out boarding) and my parents constantly nagging at me. Guys - Broke up with Sam to try and work out whether he really liked me but turns out he's guitar obsessed and probably doesn't care about me at all. I still care about him and can't stop but i'm gunna try and move on... I've written more about it on my MSN space. Anyway, i'm single and got my eyes on someone, kinda hard though cos my friend likes him and he's a girl in my year's brother. Elise knows who i'm on about but not really talking about it on here. Everything else - Losing sleep, feeling depressed. The normal... *~Hannah~*
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