i love this damn show.

Feeling: intellectual
honestly, this show defines my life. one day i'm going to write a book that basically will say everything that Carrie talks about in every episode, since all of it is what I think about everyday of my life. watching this show puts me in such an independent mindset, i feel like i don't need anyone (well, in terms of a guy) when i watch this show, which sounds ridiculous but whatever works. ANYWAYS... I"M OUT OF MY MIND CONFUSED! i keep going back and forth between the two colleges i'm trying to decide between.. it's either BCC, which after all i've said about it might not be THAT bad of an idea, because my parents would probably buy me a new car, but I wouldn't be changing myself and putting myself in a new environment if I did that. It would mean seeing the same people, working at the same job or something equally as shitty, and staying in the 607. my other option is Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, which offers my major which is SO hard to find in a community college (Education- General). Mark lives with 3 people in his apartment, and there is room for one more person, which can be me if I so desire. The idea of living in an upscale apartment in NYC where every opportunity imaginable is at my hands, where I know no one but Mark, where I can meet all new guys to hook up with, all new girls to try and trust, party at all new places, dance at all new clubs, and really just live on my own? It's incredible.. and I just can't make up my mind. Everyday I go back and forth with this... one thing that would help me out a little bit is if my fucking guidance counsler could do her job and COME TO SCHOOL ONCE IN AWHILE. i've been down there 3 times this week and its only tuesday... i need to find out what i need to qualify getting into that college in NYC so I can make my decision a lot easier. Homecoming. i've never been excited for a dance before but I'm suuper stoked. Jessie and I are getting hair extensions and its gonna be a good time. hard to believe it's our last homecoming. anyways, i'm going for a walk to think with my sex and the city mind haha..
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do not stay at home.
trust me.
i love youuuuuuuu ♥