Listening to: Behind the lines
Feeling: excited
OMG!!!!! i just got a call thinking it was catie or steph or my grandma but it was gary telling me that i made the allstar team!!!! i have practice today!!! I am so happy!!!! Miggy
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hello little boy

you are going to die a virgin
or my granma!
ha i love ya miggy b!

I knew you could do it babe, Just keep swinging and you'll go far, I knew you could do it. Let me know when some games are, I'll come to see home games with signs that say, GO MIGGY B! We Love you! lol! Call me latah if yah want to!??
-Steph a Roo!
hey mikey! good job!
nope, its the truth.

and what the fuck... scars are lessons?

just kill yourself.
hey...could you put that hanging by a moment thing obn my diary again? please!
hot user name!

Congragulations sir. =)
we didnt have enough ppl for freakin allstars =/ have fun w/ it x3

-Ashleyy x3