
Listening to: Fox 13 News at 9:00
Feeling: philosophical
Ok well here we go again. I bet I get a lot of comments for this entry well maybe if anyone reads it because I am willing to bet money that most people wont agree with me on any of this. Ok about the tsunami. The last I heard the tsunami has claimed a counted 225,000 (2.25X10^5) people and the number is still climbing. Well first there are 6,200,000,000 (6.2X10^9) people on this planet so compared to the total population of the earth the people killed is such a minuscule amount. The total person killed is only about 2.5 times the amount of my little valley, which is in a little state. My mom makes the death toll seem like there are billions of people dead when it is only a quarter of a million. The difference between a billion and a million is actually quite amazing 1,000,000 seconds is only 11 days while 1,000,000,000 seconds is 31.7 years. Another thing to look at is the most affected area where 3rd world countries and yes it’s sad they got wiped out and just because their third world doesn’t make them less of people. But the effect of the Tsunami hitting third world countries on society is much much less than it would be hitting an industrialized developed country. I do not mean to be heartless or unsympathetic by this entry because I am sympathetic to the people who where devestated by the tsunami. I have many friends in Thailand and one of the places I stayed while I was over there, Phuket, was hit the worst in Thailand and my friends resort on the beach was wiped out. I spent weeks trying to contact them to make sure there ok. I'm done. -Aaron-
Read 4 comments
I know what you're saying, but you have to realise 225,000 people dead because of a wave is not something to turn your nose up at.

It's not too many people dead in the grand scheme of things but what about the rest of the population that is left without food or shelter? And the hundreds of thousands of little kids who are orphaned? It's not just the death toll that makes it a tradgedy. It's the total amount of devastation.
love you!
i like the pentacle at the top
yeah so it's better them being kidnapped for sex trafficking and slave labour? Completely defenseless?

Oh well. Then there's our soldiers in Iraq abusing the prisoners. it's so gross.. Earth is so gross.
heysweetheartit'skelseyfrom ParkCity Ithinkthatisveryintelligentofu2saythat
andIdoagree,email me plz I miss talkin 2 u guys blondie12332100@msn.com