
Listening to: Greenday kicks ass!
Feeling: royal
So today was a pretty good day mmm good days kick some seriouce ass. Well first I got up and took a shower and got all ready for school. Then I got in my sexy ass Mistubishi 3000 GT and raced my ass to school. Got to school and went to first hour where Holy once again told me how much she loves me hehe I am just such a kick ass guy. After first hour I continued on to second hour where me and Janae joked around about having lots of sex and everything. OK next get this I sluffed seminary not very surprising but you will never guess what I did......I went to work and went on a delivery and got an hour and a half of work in while I was supposed to be in school god my job kicks so much fucking hardcore ass. After that I went back to school and went to Chemistry (sad I miss my Teresa) where I helped Chelsea with our homework because I am the smartest kid in the class by far. Next I had to run out to my car and change in the parking lot, like I do every day hehe, and get all ready for dynamic fitness. When I went into dynamic fitness I did all my work and went straight for the medicine ball did my little work out and then left school 25 minutes early. I then proceded to guess where......WORK......hehe and worked until 10:00 worked 9 hours today lets see that make 41 HOURS IN ONE FUCKING WEEK HELL YES!!!!! Taylor you little bitch complain about how much you work I work more hours than you do. I got to drive the delivery truck at work today I was proud kind of like a right of passage thing. We were in bear lake picking up some bitches big screen and we couldnt get up there driveway because it was all snowy and wasnt shoveled at all then to get the T.V. out we had to shovel out fucking solid ice from the back door fucking morons I hate them so me and Matt are going to charge the ass holes extra. Well I hope were all doing good I know I am! -Aaron-
Read 4 comments
oh man
not even caleb in my chem class is enough. I NEED YOU MAN.

I love you more than holly does. :P
I'M PRETTIER THAN HER TOO. except not really ;)

Oh well. I miss you so hardcore. do physics next year. or else.

june 11!!!!!
I already told you this but ...

Tori's a bitch.
My mother has a heart murmur and she said that it might be that because they're inherited but who knows? I'll research what you said. I appreciate you telling me that. Thanks
yeah, we need to hang out again. I'm glad you're feeling better, love.

and about your brithday entry. i wished you a happy birthday! did you forget about me that quick? jk.

I love you kick ass. muah!
