Well, today was alright. Another boring day at school. Tried to get some people to do track... so if you are reading this... DO TRACK THIS YEAR!! I got $10 from watchin my cousin today. I didnt do much but hey I cant turn down money. It will probably go to the Feb. 19th fund! Well $5 goes to Andy Keuchel. Geeze... oh well. Went to basketball practice today as always. It was soo much fun :-/ I am ready for the season to be over. As much fun as it is to sit and watch everyone play at the games... I think I could do without. We are playing KSD tomorrow so I will get some playing time... so I will be alright I guess.. I just need to suck it up and deal with it that I suck. I have ceramics tomorrow!!! I cant wait. I love the project I am working on. It looks awesome. It is hard to believe I made it. Most of the time my stuff turns out looking like crap. That class would be awesome if I few people put some duct tape over their mouths. It is really pretty cool though. Andy and James are funny. Ricky is alright.. just different. Everyone else I just pretent they are not in there. I know I know... I am an evil person.. but seriously, how is it possible to enjoy hanging out with everyone you come acrossed. It is just not gonna happen. One person I really dont like is my algebra 2 teacher. She is so stupid. I am really behind in that class but I dont care. As long as I get a C it dont matter to me. I have really change the way I look at school this year. Last year I got all A's and this year I am just like.. yeah whatever I dont care. So yeah.. Im pretty bored right now. Talking to Jessica and Mason a little. We basiclly ran out of thing to say though. We are talking about french fries... yeah we are crazy! Well ... thats all I got soo... PEACE!
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Hey Hey French fries rock, okay. so they really aren't my favorite, Kobe Bryant is my favorite man I love Kobe bryant what would I do without him, exactly nothing, nothing at all. I would just lead a boring life.. okay so I do anyways.. well Georgia. I agree with about Mrs. Hassler what a dumb broad.. so I can't spell but I think it is spelled right, Andy and James he rocks my socks off.. And by the way you don't suck at basketball, mr. Johnson
is.. just stupid.. and doesn't know what he is doing so.. anyways.. I'm going to go cause I really don't have anything else to say i'm just rambling I could really use a pop right now yep yep... so whos eyes are better Corey's or Evans, hard to chose huh>> I don't know..that is why I am asking you. I think that Next years basketball is going to be better yeah.. it rocks.. so I'm gonnna goo and talk to ya on Msn so.. um yeah.. peace out Girl scout
God Georgia I am so bored it isn't even funny, yep yep.. it is only 2:30. yeah.. I'm thinking about taking a nap in VPL. I talked to Josh about doing Track and he sia dhta the would think about it, but he doesn't think that he is all that fast comepared to some people... I think that he just crazy and that he is a fast mofo... haha.. yeah.. he is sitting right here.. I don't think that he is paying any attention to the fact that I am talking
about him.. lol it is kinda funny.. he needs to shave haha yeah he does.. and lets see what else.. he has this bump right by his eye.. its kinda crazy yeah it sure is.. you are in the next buliding right by me.. so how is your uhh.. flasfjskl coming. I really don't know how to say... it haha.. he finally cought on to the fact that I was talking about him it took him long enough, wow he is really slow yep yep. alright well talk to you later. peace