Friday, Feb. 3

Well it has been almost a week sence I wrote in here last. What all has happened.... NOTHING! It is burg. Okay well stuff has happened but ya know... ummm I have had a good week. I have been in a lot of moods, but Im not pregnant... (lol.. dont ask) School is going shitty. I have a C+ in algebra 2! The teacher is soo stupid! I have like all A's but that class. ohh well... ummm my friends are kinda ... about to kill eachother.. okay well one wants to kill the other one.. and the one gonna get killed just doesnt understand why she is gettin on people's nerves... I donno... teenage drama I guess. Queen of Courts in next week. I am not real excited to go. If I had a date maybe I would feel differently about it... but I dont. I have been really missin my ex this week. I was fine untill someone (SCOTT!) brought him up and sence then I cant get him out of my head. I dont understand why.. not like I have a chance with him. He is with some ... girl from Ottawa... I wish I could sit here and call her a bitch and a slut but I really dont know the girl at all. I just know she took my place... and as much as I want him back in my life right now.. I cant. I know I know.. more teenage drama, but... I donno... I really thought he had changed a little... that we would acually last together... I mean not thinking about the rest of my life.. Im 17!! But I thought we would be together longer than 2 months. But we have been.. apart I guess you could call it... for a month... sometime this week. I know, I cant remember things too well.Well geeze enought about him. I acually thought I was starting to "fall" for another guy for a while. Then I was like geeze what am I thinking... I am not over my last guy... why would I need to get myself even more stress worrying about 2 guys and end up like the girl from Ottawa! I just need to give myself some time to fully get over this guy.. which with me .. it could be a while.. and then just .. I donnno... wait for the wright guy to come along. I dont need a guy in my life.. is almost over.. yippie... we had a game tonight. I thought I did pretty well in the JV game.. but did I get any more playing time over Varsity... are you kidding!!! I am soo sick of sitting the bench... mainly just cuz who I have to sit and listen to ... she is so stupid and doesnt know how to shut her mouth.. but thats okay.. she has some good qualities too I guess.... Life at home is going pretty good. Hope it stays that way. I cant wait till I graduate. I am only going to go take classes in Ottawa my first year.. but I will still be able to move out. I mean I could move out now.. but I cant aford to do anything but live in a cardboard box right and as much fun as that sounds I think i will wait a till I graduate and probably a while after than when I got some money to spend. The 19th is just around the corner... what 16 days now.I am not really as excited about it now. I donno why. Okay I do know why. Because everone... ok... a good portion of the people there will have a "friend" or signifigant other with them... I will not. Brings me back to the whole missin my ex thing.... I am a person that only "celebrates" when I am stressed. And right now.. I mean yeah there are things I wish I could change right now .,.. but nothing causing me a whole lot of stress. But I am sure after the queen of courts dance I will be upset. Just having to see all those people having fun... yeah... I donno.. ya know... before I started dating guys... like longer than a few weeks....I think I have changed... Like before ... i didnt care that I wasnt with anyone.. it was just like no one likes me I understand that and I could deal with that. Well now it is like people are toyin with my head. Being like yeah I like you .. maybe just to get a girl.. and I fall for it. Then when someone else comes around the leave me. And if you know anything about me I am the type to just let my self esteem lower because of that. And I just have a little pitty party inside my head. Yeah I know I am crazy! Okay... well I am done venting for now. I just had to get that out of my head... and if anyone (SCOTT) brings him up again I will probably go even more crazy :-) Well... later!
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it will be okay.. calm down georgia!!