
Listening to: Alice Cooper-Poison
Feeling: burned-out
Im feeling kinda down today. I dunno I guess it's because of school,my dad,my mom,my brother,my moms boyfriend, my boyfriend, just everythings coming back at once. Oh well, not going to focus on that. I cant. Ok...so anyone like my snake Kirby?
Read 10 comments
I know my diary looks shitty lol...but I'm not good at doin layouts and all that.
Um thnx. do i no u?
thanks for ur comment. i like your diary too. u have a snake? that is the coolest thing ever!! i don't understand how some ppl don't like them. i love snakes. my brother just brought home a scorpion from Texas but that's not as cool as a snake, haha. well keep in touch.

Hey Im sry. I thought u were this grl i knew 4 a sec. im sry. i didnt mean it lyk that.
thank you i like your diary to,Billy
hehe i like your snake.

eh, yeah, i kno everyone feels like that. and it does suck. but i feel like it so much, sometimes i wonder if i just get other peoples turns and some people get to miss it.

Thanks.... things like birthdays dont really matter anymore. By the way your snake is cool beans!
alice cooper rocks
duudeette no probz i have the same kinda life...cept i ran away a long time ago...an ur snake kirby rockz my snakez name iz sweezer....well later...
Later JJ leader of the TKOz
wow you're just asking for it