
Listening to: foo fighters-razor
Feeling: miffed
today was okay. i had a pretty good weekend. i just hung out with jason, like i usually do. but i dont ever get tired of it. this thing was really exciting at first. but i guess im too boring to keep it up or something because i dont ever have anything to write about. should i write about my feelings at the moment? no one wants to read about people being happy though. people want to see misery and pain in human nature. that's why funniest home videos are going into their like 25th season or something. because they wanna see kids bang their nuts on railings and run into poles and stuff. i dont wanna do like a recount of my day or anything. i find it more tedious than fun, which is what it should be. this should be fun. but having to struggle to write something isnt fun. its like school. and what's the deal with comments? whats the deal with aeroplane bathrooms? (thats from seinfeld)... something cool thats happening in the next few days: jason's dad is getting him a new bass for his birthday. its better than his first one, which he has now...hes had it for the last 7 years or so, so he's really excited, and so am i. its good to just jam together. i play guitar, jason plays bass and his dad plays drums. and his dad is so cool. like some parents, when they hang around, just cramp your style, but he's just like another kid. okay. gotta do stuff..
Read 2 comments
That would be awesome to have Ramones shoes (: I love my Green Day -_'
Hey, diary friend. Everything's good here. How about you?
Glad to hear you had a good weekend.
And homecoming was all right. I had to march at seven in the morning around the town plains in band. It was freezing, but it was okay.