
she rang me. i told her i was busy. brushed her off as quickly as i could. i told her to meet me at the swings around the corner from school, but then i rang back and cancelled it until tomorrow. i need to prepare a speech or something. "bianca, i hate you now. being with you was torture and breaking up with you was one of the best and smartest things i ever did." how do i make that sound nice? i'll find a way...i always do. the sound of her voice makes my skin crawl. i dont want this. i really dont. i let her get away with being the way she is too many times and now its too late and she thinks she can walk all over me. shes crazy. i think shes actually insane. whats the diagnosis? i'll think of something while im NOT sleeping. if not, i'll just have to improvise.
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I'm confused about how to use Sitdiary! I'm used to xanga and myspace, where it's easy! haha
hahaha. butterfly cakes are cupcakes with cream and jam and then more bits of cake stuck in the top shaped like wings. hard to describe.
hope everything's cool.
love ro.
Thanks. Do you know where I could put html codes and things of the like? My layout is boring. haha.