** At The End **

Feeling: positive
When the night feels empty and no one is there to save you When you try to feel real love in the silence of the stars When you cry alone and the witness is the sky And all you do is believe there's no one else there but you. Looking deep inside, searching in someone to believe, Holding on to your own defeat, knowing you cant retreat, Wanting to be yourself but not knowing how to live. When your soul is lonely wishing for someone to be true When you cut yourself cause it helps you once again to breathe When the mirror stares at you and strikes you with the truth And all you do is believe there's no one else there but you. Looking deep inside... All the knowledge that is learned, all the moments you go through, all be gone, all destroyed, at the end, only YOU. ********************************
Paranoid Disorder:High
Schizoid Disorder:Moderate
Schizotypal Disorder:Low
Antisocial Disorder:High
Borderline Disorder:Very High
Histrionic Disorder:Low
Narcissistic Disorder:Moderate
Avoidant Disorder:Low
Dependent Disorder:Low
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder:Moderate

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --
-- Personality Disorders --

Read 43 comments
(this is Hurtingforever) Yeah I so, its www.myspace.com/wagger293 what's yours?

Sorry bout the maps, i get bored easily so i made them, lol. I'm into so many bands that i can't name all of them cos i'll forget some. But i listen to most types of music anyway. Rock, punk rock, metal, pop, country and tons more
thanks, i've got an icon page as well macsikonz
are you talkin bout the blue on my wagger293 diary? if you are, tell me about it!! i can't change it, even if i do, it changes it back to blue, and when i click on 'page preferences' the boxes to write the colours in are not there. off the screen, and theres no scroll box. SSOOO annoying. anyways. catch ya later. Ami x
yeah... thanks for the comment, i seriously think that guys are jackass' especially when they give no reason :)
um...really cant remember :/
i dont have any comments because like the 3 friends i have on this thing spend most of their time on livejournal and myspace. which i do too, however i write on sitdiary with more personal entries, and as you can see, most of them are private entries. sitdiary is probably the equivalent of my handwritten diary, if i had one. lol

"whhhhhhattt" to you.
haha awh! well, thanks for taking the time to read and understand me. i really appreciate it. It sucks to have to go through break ups and make ups. . .I just feel so done with it! SCREW MALES! lol. goodluck with your sitch too...

PS: i added u to my buddies list as well :)
I was taking a photo, I put a fake rose in my mouth, I pushed a button.
Holy shit, I put so much effort into it I almost gave myself a hernia.
lol.. i dont, i just did it like tat for some reason.. my thing used to be green... what is tat ap icture of on your diary? lol
he is my boyfriend... Do I know who this is?
are you sure...they might just scare you. I'm very self destructive with my thoughts. But yeah it would be interesting...especially when I'm around other people...
btw you seem very interesting. I shall add you to my friendslist so that I will not lose your diary
oh, and thats a really gross picture. eew.
what is it? coagulatated blood?
Twas from November.
Ekk! There I updated :)
...Now I want a PB&J sandwitch...mmmm
Lovely congealed blood...lol
yeah, eew.
What the hell are you talking about!?
Kids liking kids. [good for you!]
woahh. arent you pretty cool. hahhahah.
its all good. things are good now/
Gazoontite :-)
lol I heart spanish. and your picture at the top of your entries. GORE IS MY LIFE.♥
erm..thanks, i guess. thanks for the add. your personality results came out simular to mine. i think i was Very High on the Borderline, and on something else as well tho..can't remember. anyways, have you spoken to anyone about stuff. i find it helps. hope your ok.
the name's Ami, 16 from UK. howz bout you?
thank you
haha yeah. I love gore. it's ridiculous. ♥
loved the poemm...random hi =)
Heh, I WIsh I Could Run Away Gurl. I Seriously Do! LOL Nice Pics!
wut arch u doing
Not funny
I aint in the mood for your crap so why dont you go fucking comment on someone elses diary sexpistal lolol your having a laugh
Gazoontite :-)
lol that aint me yo
lol.. yeah im thinking of changing it
lol wut the fuck r u talkin bout
lol ok I am so lost r u a guy or a girl lol cuz it don't matter yo I'm cool with either.
omg that's fuckin nasty as hell dude. U r into girls aren't u
fuck yeah I striped for him damn I got the body to do it.
girrl please u just kinda gave off that lesbian vibe
wut the fuck yo I'm just being me I'm always me
umm.. i dont even know that person.. lol