fuck the christmas spirit

Listening to: early november
Feeling: pissy
people are so fucking dumb. i show up today, and i had NO time to do any shopping or anything for christmas, and everyone was fucking pissed off at me because i didnt get them anything. FIRST of all, IM NOT FUCKING CHRISTIAN! I DONT CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS! IM A FUCKING JEW! people expect me, kelly the jew to buy them fucking christmas presents. im broker than shit. second of all, what is christmas about anyway? its the season of GIVING. what happend to the adage "giving is better than receiving" whoever fucking says that is full of fucking shit. christmas isnt about giving people gifts, its about EXPECTING people to give you gifts, whether they celebrate the fucking holiday or not. im seriously so fucking glad that i dont celebrate christmas, the fucking holiday of greedy ass bastards. Kel.
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You are talking about the commercial christmas. i hope you know that. most christians don't promote that and aren't "greedy ass bastards" !
how effin gay ..tell them to fuck off seriously thats the most ridiculous reason to be mad what immature l;il asses..your right it is the season of giving so obviously they shouldnt be celebrating christmas anyway if they dont even know what its about themselves.