stupid fucking morons

Listening to: the beautiful mistake
Feeling: pissy
ok...summer school was going fine until this FUCKING MORON who sits behind me decided that it was time to start mocking me. So im sitting there, asking about the last day...because i have to work warped tour that day. and then this fucking kid goes "yeah, my cousins in a band so i have to go to warped tour" and i looked at him and he was like "my cousins in thrice, i need to go to warped tour instead of school" and i was like "mind your own FUCKING buisness, and thrice isnt playing warped tour you fucking moron" and my teacher looked at me, and the kid kept saying shit about my cousin being in thrice, so i called him a fucking asshole and told him that if he kept his shit up that i would fucking beat his ass, for those of you who dont know...dont fucking bug me about my cousin being in thrice, ESPECIALLY if i dont know who the fuck you are. I HATE THAT FUCKING KID! On the other hand, Grayson and i figured out how to steal CD's and we jacked a whole bunch from Tower Records and were gonna go back out tomorrow to some other unfortunate CD store and jack some of their shit too, becuase its easy and becuase were poor. loveKEL p.s. melee's playing next monday... everyone needs to go.
Read 2 comments
TBM.. good band, I saw them live and met the bassist..good show.

- another invaluable anecdote.
Only if Thrice didnt suck the biggest donky dick in the world, then they might be cool or something.... but probably not.