so my day was a so-so day!.. it felt really short though so that was good.. i think it was because we started our classes. so i get to school and uhmm.. go to advisory. write in my diary thingy we have. then i had social studies which.. so far, is my favorite class!! surprisingly.. haha.. yea i love taking notes 'cause thats like.. better than working the whole time.. even though we cant talk. but mr. tracy had us take notes for some time.. it was niice lol. then i had math.. pretty much we talked all class but thats ohkay.. mrs. kenny rocks and i guess math is the HOMEWORK class and we have it every night! so i guess tomorrow we mayy start having work. then band.. just lounged around and nes. talked the whole time lol spanish.. pretty smooth.. my spanish name is Ines.. pretty sweet! lol.. and uhmm then lunch, then health! :P lol, then lang. arts. science first thing in the morning!!! woot woot! so i have no homework i guess.. that really rocks. :):) tomorrow deff. have it though.. lol i godda go.. my mom wants the Compaq!!! :P lol mucho xo.
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