Listening to: the telovision
well then. i'm completely bored! woot! lol.. my knee kills like a mofo right now.. i want to pass out. lol so i called sam.. i guess he's staying at vinny's.. err i dont really like that kid! but whatever. so i'm sitting here being bored.. tomorrow we're picking megg up at 8:30.. and going to HSC then getting out at 4.. who the hell makes a hunting class from 9-4!? but whatever.. two days straight of class. lol i'm saving a seat for meggie!!! woot!! lol.. well anyways.. i'm gonna go.. probly ice my knee.. then head to bed eventually.. woot! lol.. hopefully i can fall asleep tonight!!! peace out i guess! mucho.
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you c--k sucking bitch!!!!! you are as fat as a cow and your ass is so fat that it looks like somone blew through your a hole and know you look like a balloon. PS do you realllly think your boy friend still thinks you are hot because you are not to say the lest
nice diary!
i love all the hearts.