
Listening to: jesss tape
Feeling: shocked
so today i just thought about jess and him being gone. The part that hurts the most is that i will never be able to hold his hand again and he will never look into my eyes. i was thinking about names today also... .Girls. 1. Dawn 2. Kaylin 3. Pheonix 4. Anoinette 5. Kerri 6. Danelle .Boys. 1. Brett 2. Matt 3. Dustin 4. Anthony 5. Alex 6. Dallas Me and jess were talking about kids and he never wanted his son to be named after him. So i think i wont name our baby (if its a boy) jess but i will give the baby his middle name. Jess like pheonix and dallas... so my ideas are 1. Pheonix kristine .or. 2. Dallas James What do you think? anymore names just leave me a message...
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"Bob" if it's a boy or "Agatha" if it's a girl.
uh um how about robin for a girls name and
mike i know its used alot but i like the name
Robin is a boy's name, do you want her little girl to grow up a dyke?!
robin can be a girls name i know alot of girls named robin
That's disgusting