
Eh. Didn't go to school today or last friday. Didn't feel like it. It's just a waste. The classes I'm taking are fucking easy. At least for this semester. Hopefully next semester I'll have alittle bit of a challenge. Cant wait to start german. And woodshop shall be fun. A classroom full of guys is always good.
Read 20 comments
Great, now you ruined it. I was hoping to read that whole thing to find out, but now you give me the cheater way to find out. Psshhhh. Butthead.
wow.. i never thought of using wristbands... good idea.... nice site.. life sux.. i know
mmmmm wristband, good idea. no one would notice except maybe my mom, but that would be bad...

Viel Spass beim Deutsch lernen, ich habe die Grammatik damals selbst nicht verstanden ;)
omg did you see texas chainsaw massacre, it was the best thing i ever witnessed in my life.
write something happy or non depressing! for most humans, 99 out of a 100 things can go right and we beat ourselves up about the one thing that didn'
u cut ur wrists? i juss cut my thigh...no1 looks there...lol

hey thanks for your comment
I love your hair color
yea i just got done with a fucking project that took me too long to finish. but yea ur right, theres nothing really there to make me want to try harder too. oh well. later.
school is a waste....all I do is sleep and I still get A's, it's too damn easy
yea i hate school. my classes fuckin suck. i dont try so that explains my constant F average. i like the Deftones. u listen to NOFX? they kick ass. later..
for aim i mean
do you have a screename?
i agree. schools a huge waste. oh well. thanks for your comment, fight club does infact kick ass, and looked through some of your older entries, and SLC Punk is an awesome movie too!! oh yeah, dont cut, it wont lead anywhere good. xoxo
Thanks for your comment. I agree. And now I want to go and get their other stuff. Never enough money, though.

Tool and NIN rock as well. I like your taste.
I think you're diary is awesome...and I love wristbands too for the same reason...peace, love, empathy ;) -bye
I know what you mean.
Why should I have to go to school when I can do the work in half of the time by making the work up?
I had like 30 something days off last year.
Sorry it took so long to respond to your last comment. :/
Its good that you stopped cutting for atleast a while.
The most I can go is about a week or so.
Then I tend to make up for lost time.
Take care.
Or a classroom full of girls.
lol guyz hehe i wouldnt know what to do if i was in a class with em drive me crazy but i wish u wouldnt cut then u wouldnt need wrist bandz ~*Libby*~