
It's white outside again. And I love it. Snow still makes me orgasm. ---1.28.04--- I saw Henry Rollins tonight. It was his Spoken Word. He is so great. And the show was excellent. Thankyou Jason for getting us the tickets for "Christmas" ::smiles::
Read 9 comments
I wish it snowed where I live!!!
lol that's..........enlightening
damn you and your snow-gasms!
Snow now? Really? How vurry interesting.
snow kinda makes me orgasm...well doesn't, but makes me feel all funny inside :-) it's fun to watch. no more snow for me. it's all went bye bye under the ice and then melted. hehe
Baah, you are too kind.
Thank you for the wonderful comment.
Take care.
hope your feelin super hott, cause you are ;-)

kisses do make everything better
snow snow snow....it should snow here
snow doesnt make me orgasm by itself but it does make me feel like masturbating