Listening to: call && return
Feeling: zonked
Glance out the window. Eyes searching. {{Can you see me? Can't anyone see me?}} I won't look away, I'll let our eyes catch. I watch you walk away, I watch you turn. Watch you open you're door. {{I won't turn away, I won't blush && look down this time.}} You disappear through the door. Uncaring. {{Why can't you fucking see me? All I ever wanted was for you to see me.}}
Read 1 comments
Thank you for loving my writing. No one else seems to care as much as you. Reading your comment made my night.

I adore the way you write as well. The way you express your emotions is something I wish I could master.

As for the book proposal, I think we should write one together. Then we could both be pretty damn cool.