mm..altoids....(day 8)

Feeling: changed
well! this week has been soo off the hook, well, for you all who dont speak ghetto, cuz i am sooo white, that means i have been busy lol im going to be moving out soon! yay! lol its gunna be fun and a new experience. tonight i get to work til about 11 30-12, i dont mind it, but it is with this guy that i dont like and he doesnt like me, he always gives me bad looks, and he drives a focus(HOMO!!!) lol well, i think he doesnt like me, cuz i think its is ex gf i work with, and this one til, her and i smoked out at work, and we got close, nothing really happened, but he doesnt know about that, atleast i dont think so, oh wel, but they are broken up, but he just always acts like he is the shit lol. oh ya, and today is day 8 of no drugs or anything, whoo! hey, that is really good, because i did it literally day upon day! night after night, back to back, ya, it was taking a toll on my body, but hey! day 8! well, its time to begin my day, need to take shower, work on car a bit, go open checking account, mow the lawn, finish building a patio on the side of my house, well, time to head off and and start another day of my interesting life... have a good day and a pleasnt tomorrow...:p
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[splacs you,]
you have a pleasant tomorrow too, sir
yay day 8...good job! lets hope someday you'll be at like a year! woah that would be kewl!