Cant sleep, so i write...

Feeling: grateful
Always up 'til about 4 am every morning, with lots on my mind, Just like any other normal person who has problems, i just stay up later. I am not writting this to gain sympathy, I am just venting, writting some thoughts down on this computer to help myself fell a little better. Today, October 16, has beem 2 weeks of no drugs. Some may say 'yeah, that is just two weeks, whats the big deal?'/ But for me, it is more then a big deal, it is an accomplishment. I mostly smoked pot, I did a few other things again not even knowing why either. I have lost some weight since stopping which has been great, and feeling 10x better. I am just trying to get back in the habbit of going to bed a little earlier. I dont really know what over came me to all of a sudden to stop. Maybe because I was not feeling and acting like myself, because I lost some one that was close to me that I pushed out of my life, because I didnt want to admit that I was addicted, because it was stupid. Slowly but surely, day by day I am getting better and being more like my self. The next step in my life; moving out! In about a week, i am moving out with this buddy of me. I honestly think it is one of the better thinigs that has happened to me, I knew if i turned down the opportunity I would have regretted it. So it took it, and it will be an awesome experience in my life. Just another leap into the many steps of life that I am ready for. And to take on more responsibility. In the past week I believe, my ex girlfriend and i have started talking again. Her and I got in a hugr argument, it was stupid. But cant be re-lived and taken back, Things were said from both of us that were immature, but that is also a part of life. Since her and i have started talking again. Things just seem to be going right, like how they should have been, how things should have started off from the beginning. And I honest to God hope things work out between her and I, that we get our issues settled, it will take time but this is the way how it should have gone. I miss her greatly, and would be lieing if i said i didnt need her in my life, she will be a friend forever to have for the rest of my life, no matter what happens. She will always have a special place in my heart. For a weekend in November, my granny informed me that her and i, and i think my cousin as well. Will be going to New York for a weekend. I have barely been out of California, and have always wanted to go to New York, just to see the how different the lifestyles from Southern Cali. are to New York. It will be so much fun and cant wait to go. It will be one of those times that I will always remember. Work. What else can i say? I work at a pizza place called Giovannis Pizza, it has its ups and downs, it is not a bad job, it gets me by. I am just underpaid for the work that i do, but i am living. I never complain to my boss, always keep my mouth shut, and do the best that i can. Because i am the pizza man! Well, it is getting late, and the nyquil has set in. This is just a little update, nothing big. I wanted to write, and here i did. Let you see a little glimpse of my life. We all have our problems, we all have our ways of dealing with them. From relationships, family, work, self-esteem, self-endulgences, I will always do the best that i can to makes sure i can be the best person i can. I am only human, as are you. We are all allowed to make mistakes.
Read 4 comments
2 weeks is a long time! i don't know you really but im proud of you! thats awesome!! keep going!
two weeks is hard work. i've been there, but not with drugs.
Good for you, for pulling your shit together, and getting your life on track. That shows that you have a strong personality, and the will to make your life right. Hopefully you and your ex-gf can now be good friends, and start to get close again. Its always refreshing to reconcile differences. And go out there, and make those pizzas boy! ;)
i think that is the most personal/hottest/awesome-est haha thing you've EVER written. it came from ur heart. and i sounded more like you...unlike ur "reaction" poem. :/ i heart this side of you very much. it shows ur true self and who you really are. 2 weeeeeeks atta baaaby :D