
Listening to: cater to you
Feeling: cheery
wow today was like the best day i had all summer. i went to camelbeach with britt. we left at like 830 and got there at like 930 or so? so then we went to these outlets because we were way early. so yeah when we got there we get a locker and we see this family and there was a dad and a mom and 2 boys and the guys were wearing these speedos and the the mom was wearing this bikini. it was just wrong. then we went on this toilet bowl flusher thing. lol it was like a slide and then you go down to this spinny thing then you go in the hole. it was fun. we went on like 3 times. then we went on lots of slides and we were just standing there getting ready to get in the tube and britt just falls out of now where . it was so funny. lol. then we went on the bumper boats. we waited for a long time and we see the life guard standing on the dock and the dock was all wobbly so we were like we should accidently bump into the dock and knock him off. lol so i can't steer my boat. lol when i finally did we kept looking at him and laughing and he thought we were checking him out. lol not at all. and so he was acting like he was all cool and stuff. it was so funny. then we met up with her mom and her mom's friend and we ate lunch. then all of us went on this ride and we almost like flipped over the edge. it was fun lol and of course i'm the one that is right in the back so it felt like i was going over. then we did this racing thing. gianna lost =( that's like the story of my life lol. but yeah. then britt and i went in the wavepool and then it got really crowded and they made everyone get out so then we left. yeah it was a really fun day. :o) then when i got home my dad said that his friend can get me a job busing tables. that kind of sucks because it's kind of gross but there isn't really anywhere else you can work when your 15 so i'll suck it up for a few months yep that's about it
Read 7 comments
jobs = NO FUN, EVER.
and slides = FUNNNNNNNN♥
yeah...its more of a dress code i guess you could say.. its not liek the school picks out the clothes you wear and thats your only option haha...that would suck even worse. but its really really strick...i hate it. i have some pretty cute skirts and once winter rolls around we're allowed to wear sweaters so it doesnt look as dumb as seeing just the oxford. cause those are butt ugly let me tell ya. it looks like we're freakin men. i hate it. and
you think ur dress code is bad? ha. lol my principle freaking SINGLES ME OUT ((along w/ other ppl)) last year 4 freaking weeks before school let out-she decided that my oxfords were 'too tight and immodest' ... i got a girls size because im really petite and small and i drown in 'normal' oxfords. but she was like 'get mens size oxfords if you have to!' are you kidding me? and yeah, i dont take ppl like her...so i started getting an 'attitude'
according to her so i was like w/e. and she was like 'im just gonna have to call your mom!' i was UGHH my dads making me do stuff...i'll finish my wonderfull story later haha
ok back lol
so i was like 'fine. go freaking call my mom.' cause i knew my mom would be just as pissed as i was...and she was. haha it was awesome. she told her offff. haha. and the fact that she just decided she didnt like my oxford (or my skirt that day) in the last few weeks of school when i had been wearing them all year is pathetic. and there was nothing wrong with it. it was abiding by the stupid dress code. ughhh...that womannn.
yeah-arts awesome :P and some ppl say i'm really good at drawing...well they used to before i pretty much quit. i just got kinda agravated because nothing ever turned out the way i wanted them to and i wasnt enjoying it anymore...but maybe i'll start back up again.. idk...
because the ladys a freaking phyco. and she pretty much hates me so she LOOKS for reasons to make my life miserable...lol...it really is true...
she singles certain ppl out. ppl that are on her 'bad list' when i'm not even close to a bad kid. but w/e. i dont really care... no one likes that woman. seriously. NO ONE.