Advise me? (+Formalities)

Those of you who know me, who I linked to this site, know this stuff is old... I wrote it about five years ago, and haven't been able to write anything decent since... But lately i've been wanting to again, but can't figure out what about. So, if anybody has any suggestions, leave then in the comments to this post :)

Also, the formal stuff, which I'll try to post at the top after each new thing, if I ever write anything new:

This online journal is a collection of the things I've written I feel are good enough to be judged by my friends, and strangers. For the friends I link to this site, a little information may be necesary.

You can see the entries down the right side of the page, clicking on them will take you to that entry. You can comment on each post by clicking on the "Whatcha Think?" in the bottom right of the entry, or if you use the links down the side a comment box should be provided. And, of course...

Please, if you comment, leave some form of identification, so I know who you are.

That being said, some info on the entries:

The entry "Nightstalker story" is about 6 pages long, a short story I wrote, but never finished.

The entry "Age Of Darkness" was the opening to a new short story, but I never got beyond the opening.

The entry "Rargle" - just a random noise really - Is an untitled poem.

The entry "d" was a paragraph I wrote in an attempt to branch out into another genre, attempting romance in this case.

Read 1 comments
i think yes! -HF
[Anonymous (]