[16] Banular Phone!!!

Feeling: cocky
hehehehe i said cocky...hehehe..heh anyway pplz im doin my SDL (Slack out of Dumb Learning) hehe anyway yeaaaa...um not much to say, which is odd because i had somethin to say...eh who cares? Muh name iz Shake Zula The mike rula you wanna trip? ill break it to ya! hey frylock now im on top rockin like a cop meatwad your up next, shake it up naw! meat wad make da money see...meat wad get the honeys she, travlin in muh car, livin like a star, ice on my fingers and somethin somethin somethin lol anyway now im listinin to banana phone RING RING RING BANANA PHONE! heh, i gotta go to texas tomarrow which sucks alot, i dont wanna go but ill be back in a week Love you guys =P Tweek
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your diarys scary!
just click the birthday thing and it'll take you to it..The code to put on your preferance thingy is alert(" My diarys scary! ") ..heh. that should work =)
hmm..sorry it wont let me show u the code properly..But if it is showing it to u properly..theb put it in the "Header Info" bit in ur preferances.
the bannana phone rocks!!!