[31] W00t w00t

Listening to: Hummmmmmm
Feeling: angsty
Yayyy i just got to mow the huge ass lawn when it rained yesterday whopee!!! dont you guys just LOVE mowing a damp lawn?! it was sooo much fun! anyway, im doin my biking intensive now, which is hard as hell, we go like 30 miles a day goin about 20 miles an hour most of the time which REALLY gets old fast im so tired and im gettin NO pity or sypmathy from my family, but whatever I really dont have much to say besides that I got the Matrix Online, you all should get it, its fuckin tight, the yearly is pretty cheap too If you DO get it then just send me a message, my name is tweekanic and if u get it and message me ill give u a present of 100,000$ to start with Ciao Tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Well, you're not getting any sympathy from me because you were dumb for choosing the biking intensive :)~ Why'd you pick that?

Love ya
Hey, you know, Morpheus dies on the Matrix Online!!!
Ya that sounds like a good idea!!! Wats ^??? wat have yuh been doin??? well I got to go cause I have this big project and I have to get some info on it and if i dont get it done then I cant go to the end of the year trip so I'll talk 2 u l8er