
Listening to: Pierrot - Answer
Feeling: high

Okay. I'm not high on pot (Prince of Tennis anyone?) I'm high on freakin' gasoline fumes. My father-dearest has decided to mow the lawn. So now the fumes are going everywhere. Today, I finally burned my Glay CD. The White Road Best Ballads one. It took me forever to download, but I got it! And I burned it! I had five minutes left on it, so I put on my Pierrot song as well. I only have one. I haven't gotten around to downloading any others. But I like this one... Anyways... What else did I do today? (Music Change: Glay - Random Song #1) Okay, the reason why it's random is because it is on an album, meaning it's all one long 'song' (it isn't, it's the album. sigh.) so I have no clue what the song is. I would have unzipped the entire album and deleted the songs I'd already downloaded, however, there are like four songs I can't unzip for some reason (I'm thinkin' it's because they have Japanese names) so I just kept the whole album. So right now I'm searching up what song is the first one. I have them all wirtten down and when they start/stop (because it's just like that, right?) but it's a notebook on the other side of the earth room, it's upstairs. I went golfing today. Sigh. Oh boy. I think I'm going to stick to hockey. Boy. I got one four out of nine holes. And I was so happy, too. I was jumping up and down and cheering for myself. THIS EFFIN' THING. Okay, I looked up the song name, yeah, on the site it's in kanji. Those bastards. Music Change: Glay - Way of Difference There, ya got that one. I sunk two balls in water and got stuck in like, four sandtraps, but by the end up the entire ordeal, my dad said I was doing pretty good for a beginner. Hey now, don't forget, I'd only been to the driving range once (two weeks ago, might I add.) and that was my first actual golf course. I like puttputt better. So then, I came home and read, as well as practiced violin. Freakin' violin. Gah. I have this slight problem where... ah, just forget it. GUESS WHATS ON TONIGHT?! ...FIRST EPPPYYYY! Yay.

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