Feeling: abandoned
Yes, i may sound a lot like what one would call a ..whinger..but that's just how i am. *nods* I.. how could i put this... well, like a guy at school. And, to make it worse, he's well, one of my best friends. Ever. And to make it worst, he asked out this girl, whom i do not get along with. And she said yes. Ohhh, fuck. I really tried to deny my feelings for this guy but i just can't. He doesn't even know how i feel about him. Fuck. So i either, a: Tell him how i feel and go away and hide... b: Tell the girlfriend how i feel and run away and hide... c: Not tell either of them at all and just put up with it. Shit. None of them i can do... Oh man, whenever i think about him, my heart like almost jumps out of my throat. I don't even want to look at him let alone speak to him. He's just like, different. I would never have thought he would ask THAT girl out though ...If anyone has any advice or (uh yeah, i am actually asking for advice, point and laugh if you must...) do..with...this fucked up shit...feel free to comment. I hate my life. Ugh.
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Stuff the title.

Feeling: listless
Yes, yes. Im not dead yet. I can hear you all slapping your foreheads in anger, heh. I hate parents. They should all die as well. My dad hit me last night cuz apparently i was being "stupid". Oh yes, stupid. My mum did nothing. She was on his side. I hate them both. Not only does my cheek hurt but my arm does too. Cant be bothered explaining why, meh. I'm actually laughing in my head thinking about why im actually writing this. And why i actually created a 'diary'. Hmm, I got my nose pierced last monday. Went well, i think. Didnt hurt at all. Lip and nose isnt that bad, i suppose. I want to get a tattoo. Hell, i dunno what my dad would do though. Almost definitely kill me. That actually isnt a bad idea....
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School is not cool.

Feeling: shy
Well the first day back at school went exactly as planned. Pretty damn sucky. There's this girl. Just this one girl. Who i just... really... don't like... She confronted me and the conversation went something along these lines: "Hi Isabella!" "Hi" "How's it going?" "Normal" "Really?" "Yeah" "Can i ask you something?" "Guess so" "Are you goth?" "No" "Are you sure?" "Indeed" "Well why are you wearing black all the time?" "Because i feel like it?" "But why don't you where pink or yellow sometimes?" "Because i don't have to?" "Black makes you look goth" "Never would have realised" "You aren't goth then?" "No" "Are you sure?" "Yes" "Oh Ok i see now" Argh. Kill her.
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Feeling: destructive
Pretty sad comment. I really don't see the point in calling someone 'darling' when they are in fact the same age as you. You remind me of my grandma and let me tell you that is not good. And to think i would care that some other has the same sn as me, let alone notice. Go bother someone else that needs to be bothered.
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Listening to: Crazy - Simple Plan
Feeling: melancholy
Soooo i saw Simple Plan... Got Pierre Bouvier's guitar pick he used as well... Not sure if it smelt like him or not... Got a few hands up the old shirt whilst crowdsurfing as well. Meh. No Ramones shirt for me. Dah, not cool. Oh well, gotta Disturbed tee instead. In fact, im wearing it right now. Coinkidink... Kisschasy were pretty lame. All American Rejects were OK. I spose it's because i wasn't at the front of the moshpit... Hmm... David waved at me. Pretty neat. David's hawt, i didn't think i would say that but there ya go. All in all it wasn't a bad concert. Apart from the fact that once it was over and i had gotten away from the barrier i was completely soaked. Ah well. Pierre has suddenly gotten a gay haircut. Never would have thought... (note the sarcasm in the last remark).
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New Discovery

Feeling: braindead
Haha, how pathetic can i become? I just realised i could actually create my own 'People Who Hate My Guts' list. Weird. So many people under the name too. Even weirder. Actually, no. Maybe it isn't that weird after all. Ha, maybe it's ME that's weird. Anywho, change of subject might be in need... Getting my Ramones shirt soon. Hurray. That's about all i can actually put under my good news part, hmm. Shit i'm starting to sound like Yoda. Maybe my Current Mood should be freaky or summin'. Ah well. Ooh, good news. I found a compass. Could come in handy, maybe. Ack, my guitar is out of tune. I'm too lazy to tune it as well. Sad.
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Who the fuck cares anyway?

Feeling: depressed
Meh, this song fits perfectly with my freakin mood... It's 1am. Who gives a shit? No one! Neither do i actually. My head hurts. Why? Not sure...lack of sleep and had a little too much to drink...maybe. Insert confused look there. My so-called 'friendships' aren't running sweetly either right now, hence my Current Mood. And fuck it, all my poetry is where i put it and yet where i put it, is where i do not know where it is. I'm screwed. Thus meaning i need to drink, meaning i'm not gunna get much sleep. Oh well. I feel like a goldfish, you know? Going around in circles ALL the time. Memory span of 3 secondsorwhateverthehellitis... And shit, i'm slurring my typing together. How the fuck...!? Don't you hate it how things happen (bad things, i mean obviously) and that certain 'thing' leads to completely and utterly ruining everything you have looked forward to or enjoy? I'm confused. Egh. I'm mainly pissed off right now because one of my closest friends told me how they feel about me. It's not bad but in this case, it is. He thinks i don't care about him as much as he cares about me. Hmm. I can't exactly agree or disagree on that one yet either. He signed right out on me after leaving a rather painful message. Typical. I need to do something - or take something for that matter. Argh. Kill me.
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Listening to: One - Metallica
Feeling: isolated
Yo fools. My mind was ever so slowly growing smaller and smaller with extreme boredom so i decided (yes i know, im scared too) to add another...what ever this is.... So yeah. As you may have realised by the 'Entry Title' that i have for this, i'm going to be blabbing on about random shit. How pathetic can i get; venturing over to good ol' Sydney to check out Simple Plan, Kisschasy and the All American Rejects rock out live. Yes indeed i think i am mentally distorted but it might be worth the three painful days of the school holidays. Argh, school... i nearly forgot i have to return in a week or so. Have to return to the glances i get and the shameful comments, heh. "Why do you where black, are you goth?" and i shall answer "Why are you wearing red, are you elmo?". Fucking "people" as they're called telling me what i should wear AND listen to. Or vice versa. Go to hell all of you, you muppets. If you want to listen to Mariah Carey and act like complete ponces that's fine with me. I'll just make sure i stay at least 14 metres away from your lame stupidity. Is it because pink doesn't suit me and that i listen to Killswitch that you feel i'm going to cut your throat with angst? Wait-Hold that thought... That doesn't sound that bad after all... Going off track here so i better end it quickly. The point i'm trying to make is .......Okay so maybe i don't have a point but that doesn't mean i can't take the piss out of all you pompous arseholes. Thankyou and keep rockin' Is.m/
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Feeling: blah
Heh never would have thought that I would actually start my own ...errr... diary? Well yeah anyway... Firstly, i just wanna say: It's gunna suck. There, now we can all be 'happy'.
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