New Discovery

Feeling: braindead
Haha, how pathetic can i become? I just realised i could actually create my own 'People Who Hate My Guts' list. Weird. So many people under the name too. Even weirder. Actually, no. Maybe it isn't that weird after all. Ha, maybe it's ME that's weird. Anywho, change of subject might be in need... Getting my Ramones shirt soon. Hurray. That's about all i can actually put under my good news part, hmm. Shit i'm starting to sound like Yoda. Maybe my Current Mood should be freaky or summin'. Ah well. Ooh, good news. I found a compass. Could come in handy, maybe. Ack, my guitar is out of tune. I'm too lazy to tune it as well. Sad.
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I bet many many more people hate me then people who hate you.
i used to have a "people who hate my guts" list.