
I believe life is like a raindrop. It starts out fun, lively, exciting, adventurous and young. It grows old with time, falling and getting faster, learning all the way. But everything takes time to happen. Time is the only thing that doesn't stop. It goes on forever and probably will. It has a steady pace and maybe that's why it lasts so long. Maybe we need to stop being in such a hurry and stop and look at the world differently. We need to slow down, enjoy the things we do and try not live with hate. Hate just grows inside of us. It gets bigger and bigger until it grows into anger. When we finally do something about it and most of the time when we let it go, it gets out of hands and somebody's life is damaged a little or a lot and/or disturbed, whether it's ours or theirs. We get labeled as a bad person or a hateful person and that title just grows on that person into more hate and it leads to something, one thing after the other and the process starts all over again. Sometimes though, for some people, hate will disappear over a long period of time. If something makes you mad, then over a period of time, the anger will not be there, unless it was something major that happened. Time is the only thing that has seen the past, present, and eventually, the future. But it will always have something to look forward to because the future never ends, as well as time. They will continue with each other until the end. But even after that comes, they will still be going because time is constant. It's everywhere. Everywhere we go, what we do and see. We breathe it, walk it, sleep it and die with it. Time's everywhere everything else is and will always be. It's the only thing that will always be here. It pound in our heads when we're lonely and fly?s by when we're having a good time. No one or anything can escape it. It will always be here, there, everywhere. It never started and it will never end. It's just always been here and always will. We did not 'invent' it, like many of the things we did not event. There is really no real explanation of time. Time would still remain without clocks and such. The seasons would still keep rotating, the earth would continue to circle the sun, and there would still be weeks, months, days and such. It is all basically based on time. It will always be here and I think it has always existed. Finally the raindrop's life ends abruptly. As do ours. I believe there really is no meaning to life except to breed. No one knows why and probably never will. We're born, eat, breathe and then somewhere along the line, die. We have fun all the while; learning, exploring, and laughing. But it all doesn't matter in the end. Everything we have worked for and learned is lost. And again, no one knows why, but there is a reason. It's out there, waiting for someone or something to find it because there's a reason for everything.
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really insiteful (sp?)

I like :)

Jo x
Well, I don't really expect you to answer that at all, I know I'm a touch weird at times. I'm tired though so I need to get some shut eye - I got up at 5:20 this morning to watch motor racing after going to bed at 2 earlier that morning watching the qualifying for the race.