For Brittiany

x Alone and Sad: You're a pervert; and I don't mean a funny/cool perv like my lover boy, either. I saw you with like 256956 girls at the dance. You really should be shot. And I don't mean that in a nice way. Sucking up to Brittany now does not even come close to making up for what you did. You see, she's too nice. I, on the other hand, would have told you off and punched you at the dance. -50 for your high and mighty ego. Brittany really is mad at you. Whether you're smart enough to believe it or not. I'm glad Lesley beat you up the other day. You deserved it. -another 50 for your dainty ego. I'm going to stop now. I could say a lot of things, but, I'm not. I think I'm going to save myself the fucking headache. Gmr1000: hey x Alone and Sad: Don x Alone and Sad: Don't "hey" to me. x Alone and Sad: Read what I said Gmr1000: i read half of it x Alone and Sad: Read it all x Alone and Sad: Don't skip it. x Alone and Sad: You can't read it because you know what you know you hurt Brittany x Alone and Sad: She can pretend she's not mad, but she is. Gmr1000: lol i found that funny like lesley hurts my ego and war you think hurts it and i am srry for hurt her but i ddin't do anything wrong i didn't ask her to the dance and i ddin't break any promises x Alone and Sad: Yeah, but you told her you weren't going to the dance and then you show up and flirt with a bunch of girls. That hurt Brittany more than nost asking her. x Alone and Sad: If your ego wasn't so fucking big you'd understand what I'm trying to fucking explain to you Gmr1000: i said i might not go not that i wouldn't and me dancing with pl is my choice not hers or yours x Alone and Sad: You x Alone and Sad: You're nowhere near as fucking "cool" as you think you are. x Alone and Sad: Your ego and "coolness" is going to be your demise x Alone and Sad: Not commenting, eh? x Alone and Sad: Do you honestly think that sucking up to Brittany now is helping any? Gmr1000: i know i am not cool i nvr said i was ok if i thought i was cool i would actually think that i was something am not which is normal by far i am not and fuck you x Alone and Sad: I already know I'm a bitch, Kevin dear. Your ego sure is big though. Gmr1000: and all those ppl are no more than fruiends Gmr1000: friends x Alone and Sad: I wonder what would happen if someone just.. oh, I don't know.. popped your ego.. x Alone and Sad: I should like.. seduce you and seriously make you go mad. That would be fun. Bye bye Ego =) Gmr1000: that would be far harder than you think I went to lords that school can hurt egos far more than hermitage and any ways i am impervious to shit like that i went through hell at lords and became a unconquerable fortress x Alone and Sad: OMG, so tough. No. I don't think so. Gmr1000: lol no one at hermitage actually knows me except one person and you don't know her and she left last year x Alone and Sad: No one really knows me either Gmr1000: like i give a shit x Alone and Sad: If they did, I'd be in a psycho home x Alone and Sad: Or the Loony Bin x Alone and Sad: =) Gmr1000: i wouldn't but ppl would be scared cause no one there has ever seen me get made cause had they would be either dead or on the ground bleeding really bad x Alone and Sad: I think that's your ego talking. x Alone and Sad: Dear, dear Kevin. Perhaps, you have a split personality? x Alone and Sad: Some deep, dark, kevin that wants to come out? x Alone and Sad: Maybe he'll show you how stupid your being? Gmr1000: no i burried it long ago when i left lords it dies forever cause if i ever showed it i would be in juv x Alone and Sad: Acting tough is not cool. x Alone and Sad: I think you need a lesson in psychology. Anger, sadness, depression, other fucked up feelings don't just die, sweety. They get locked up deep in your heart and mind and wait till they can come and show what you've been hiding. Gmr1000: i have long since let those out so it wil nvr come out that is how i can let things go so easy x Alone and Sad: You're in denile. Unless you're an overly optomistic person you have to realize that one day you're gonna get mad and it's gonna show. You're gonna get to where you can't control it. Gmr1000: i know how to let things go and two i know how to tell ppl to shut the fuck up x Alone and Sad: I'm not shutting the fuck up Kevin. When I do, I'll let you know. Gmr1000: ok so i can block you but i on't care enopugh to do that x Alone and Sad: You seem to be an attention whore. You have a big ego, you go around and say all these things that make you sound tough and cool, beacause you want attention. Now, being an attention whore isn't always bad. You make it bad. Breaking people's hearts and sucking up is bad. You just want to keep your ego. Gmr1000: i don't give a shit x Alone and Sad: Oh, but you should. You see, I'm trying to help you. x Alone and Sad: I want you to realize who you are and what you do. Gmr1000: if i don't give a shit i can't be hurt x Alone and Sad: Yes you can. x Alone and Sad: You can get hurt Kevin x Alone and Sad: Even if you push everyone away and hate everything you damn well can get hurt. Gmr1000: no not as i am any more used to be able to but i am not that type anymore x Alone and Sad: Damnit Kevin. Listen to me. YOU WILL GET HURT. x Alone and Sad: You have to face reality. Gmr1000: i promise you no i won't x Alone and Sad: Don't promise that. x Alone and Sad: You're going to get hurt. x Alone and Sad: You really do need a lesson is psychology, sweety. x Alone and Sad: You can be all high and mighty all you want, but when it comes down to it, you're going to get hurt. x Alone and Sad: You can't go through life and not get hurt. Gmr1000: i nvr said life just high school x Alone and Sad: Life, highschool, same difference. x Alone and Sad: You will get hurt Gmr1000 signed off at 7:20:50 PM.
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he needs too hear me out i think... maybe it would make him feel better