I dont know why i have to scream

I don't really know what to say. I feel like im laying helplessly on the floor while rocks keep tumbling on me. And the rocks keep piling and piling to the point where I can't even pick myself up anymore. For some reason things seem to be falling apart. And its hard ...it really is to watch and not be able to do anything or help what is happening. People always tell me to give it time and things will get better. But they don't. What has happened to a person that is really upsetting is always in your mind...now instead of being in the front of your brain it is pushed to the back. Thats what time does...it makes the problem slowly disappear into your mind but its always there. And from time to time you will think about it but you are never offically healed.
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hey mel
i love you mel!
yeah, time heals absolutly nothing. i hate when people say that it does. because it doesn't at all. im sorry mel...don't feel like that. you are too good of a person to have to feel like that. i am so happy we are hanging out agian and got over our problems.
i am sorry about both of the fight things...arrr. they make me mad. its annoying the shit out of me. anyways i am happy i have my ONE really good friend back to talk to about all this.
ahhhh sooo pretty...
i love the picture.

Hey you weren't online today but I'll call you.
Things do get better Melissa, if you let them. You go find what makes you happy.
Have an awesome day.
i love you mizz
everything takes time, i know sometimes you feel like you want it all to end, but everything takes time. It'll all work out, dont worry. Keep your spirits high! I know i say to myself "this too will pass" its stupid, but works. Hang in there....