bored first entry

hey its friday night HOW EXCITING yeah for everyone but me...its really boring and well this is my very first entry...i really didn't do anything tonight not that you people care anyways... ah well everyone was petting me in the library today i have no idea why they were like playing with my hair even somekid i didn't know bree knew him though so it was all good... o well Love, Jess
Read 3 comments
haha I have the same name as you..alot of people random today yehh
you know something you make a wierd looking face when your reading something in reading class LOL its priceless thanks for always being there
hey jess! your pretty cool. I am glad that I have gotten to know you some what better than I did before. And How come I didnt get an invite to "pet" you in the library! I thought you loved me?! lol
